Every year is a fresh start. How will you do things differently this year? No matter what you have in mind, enjoy the fun days ahead!

Every year is a fresh start. How will you do things differently this year? No matter what you have in mind, enjoy the fun days ahead!
Life is a learning journey. It’s okay if it doesn’t work out on the first try. Keep trying. It’s okay if it doesn’t work out on the second try as long as there are improvements. Even on the third try, keep trying, don’t give up. You will eventually succeed and make it to the finish line!
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Beautiful lessons learnt from observing mother nature. African-Lily flowers blooming at it’s different stages.
When we are in a tough situation, we can look to the Mickey Mouse plant as inspiration to keep thriving the best we can. All challenges are temporary and helps us learn and gain experience.
I love the red color of the flowers and the fruit it bears. Mickey Mouse Plants (Ochna serrulata) are hardy and resilient. It can grow quickly if watered regularly.
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Inspiration to keep thriving!”We are always rushing to fulfill someone else’s requests. We are always seeking recognition and acknowledgement from others. Somedays, we let neglect our own well-being all for but a “Thank you”. Remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. You are delicate like a flower bud. Nurture your inner self every day. Do not rush, take your time. Enjoy every moment. You will bloom beautifully.
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Bloom Beautifully!”We live in a world of duality. This is our reality. We always look to totally remove the darkness, negativity, the bad and so on. However, take a moment and see that we need these conditions and lessons to help us understand, have love and compassion. These experiences lead us to the light, the positive and the good and having gratitude for the things we have in our lives.
Fear will always be there. Make it your best friend and teach it to be Fearless. Be there to support your fears and cheer it on to becoming fearless!
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Teach Fear to be Fearless!”We are not always able to see clearly what the path ahead holds for us. It make us anxious and that’s the exciting part. Draw the courage inside of you because there is lots to learn and experience in life. Some will be good and some will be otherwise. Nevertheless, do not let fear or circumstances hold you back. Be brave and look for solutions. Explore the Unknown, Be Guided by your Light.
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Explore the Unknown!”You can make this the most wonderful moment of your life. All you need to do is free yourself from doing this and doing that. Just stop for a second and flow in the moment, flow in the stillness. Consciously take deep breaths in and let all of it out. Let your mind slow down and meet peace and joy. You will see greatness and beauty all around.
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Flow in the Moment!”Around the globe dandelions symbolize happiness, simple joys, good companions and the presence of our inner child who often forgets to play.
Make a wish. A simple bit of wind or blowing will take those hundreds of seeds with your desire to all corners of creation.
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Continue reading “Akasha Light Healthy Living – Make a Wish with Dandelions!”I go for a walk across the same field and pretty much the same path every day. I don’t know how many times I have passed these cute little Purple Coral Peas (Hardenbergia violaceae) without noticing them. The flowers are really about the size of a green pea.
Despite the lack of rain and the scorching summer sun, these purple coral peas are blooming beautifully and brings color and life to the dried up grassland.
These Purple Coral Peas brought me a moment of happiness and a smile to my face. When I stopped, I became solid and present. When I looked deeper, I saw the beauty and got insight in natures ways. I received a sense of inspiration to continue blooming and shining brightly no matter what the circumstances are. I know I will be taken care of despite the temporary challenging conditions. So take a moment to stop and look, be present and you will find your light.
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