Akasha Light offers:
• Reiki Healing specific to your needs
• Reiki Space Clearing for your home
• Reiki Healing for your Pets
• Complementary products and services that may help you further bolster your healing efforts to align your mind, body and spirit.


Reiki Attunements
The Reiki Practitioner channels healing energy from the universal life force to help you clear and rebalance energetic or emotional blockages in your mind, body and spirit. With balanced energies in your chakras, you will experience a natural state of peace and happiness, and inspiration from within to live your life purpose. Reiki attunements can be complementary healing efforts to help bolster your recovery whilst you undergo professional medical treatment. Learn More
Distant Reiki Attunements
Reiki attunements can be done where the reiki practitioner (me) is at the same location as the attunee (you). Alternatively, it can be done remotely, called Distant Reiki Healing. Distant healing is possible as universal life force energies are not limited by time and space, or geographic locations. Learn More
Benefits of Reiki
There are many benefits of reiki attunements and below are some key areas:
• Improved physical energy levels
• Promotes harmony and balance
• Assist the body in releasing tension and toxins
• Improved mental awareness and relaxation
PLEASE NOTE: Always speak to your doctor if you plan to use reiki to help with any medical condition you may have. Reiki healing does not take the place of conventional medicine. It does not replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. Always consult a GP for an acute or infectious condition, and problems of an urgent nature. Also continue with your prescribed medication.
Reiki For Pets and Animals

Reiki Attunements for Pets and Animals
Pets are valued members of our family and society. Pets will at some point in their lives experience energy blockages that causes them physical or emotional ailments. These imbalances may occur where they have witnessed a heated argument or experienced bullying during walks and visits to the park, or they may have just encountered negative energies in passing and brought it home with them.
Pets and animals provide us with companionship when we are feeling down and brings many joys to our daily lives. We can give something back to them by providing ongoing reiki attunements to help them live a happy and healthy life. Pets and animals deserve the same amount of attention as people in keeping a balanced mind, body and spirit. Reiki attunements can be complementary healing efforts to help bolster your Pet’s recovery whilst it undergoes professional veterinarian treatment.
Distant Reiki Attunements for Pets and Animals
Reiki attunements can be done on Pets and Animals where the reiki practitioner is at the same location or in a different location. Universal life force is not restricted by geography, time and space and therefore healing is possible.
Benefits of Reiki attunements
• Helps keep the pet calm, ground and relaxed
• Improve and bolster healing efforts for rescue pets or injured animals from an energetic perspective while they undergo professional treatment with Vet Doctors
• Improved emotional bond for pets and allowing them to live in harmony with other pets or family members in the household
PLEASE NOTE: Always speak to your veterinarian if you plan to use reiki to help with any medical condition your Pet may have. Reiki healing does not take the place of conventional medicine. It does not replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian. Always consult a veterinarian for an acute or infectious condition, and problems of an urgent nature. Also continue with your Pet’s prescribed medication.
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